Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to integrate the “Add to Wakooz RSS Feed Button” to Blogger.

First method using the Add a Gadget.

Step 1)

Go to the Add to Wakooz RSS Feed Button tool

Right click on the “Add to Wakooz RSS Feed Button”
of your choice then Save Picture AS... to your desktop.

Step 2)

On the Wakooz RSS Feed Button tool page

- Fill the RSS Feed's description (Your RSS feed title):

- Copy/Paste your RSS feed url address

- Click on the “Just Create Link” button

Step 3)

Sign in to blogger, go to Layout and click on Add a Gadget.

And voila you are done!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wakooz on

An article about Wakooz has been written today April 22nd.

Please take a look at the review, at the following address:

Friday, April 17, 2009

How to insert the add to Wakooz icon button.

Integrating the add to Wakooz icon allow each Wakooz user to add your RSS feed directly to their Wakooz page. Your readers will receive your article updates as soon as you release them.

Ex:    Try me !

This can help increasing traffic to your blog.

Here are the steps to follow:

2- Fill the description title
3- Fill your RSS feed url address
4- Click on the “Create Code” button
5- Copy Paste the code where you want your wakooz button to appear on your blog and/or website.

D’ont forget to save the wakooz icon button image to your website images folder


* Note that if your images folder is located elsewhere you need to modify the path to the wakooz icon button image accordingly

Ex: img src="MY_SITE_IMAGES_FOLDER/wakooz_add.png"

Do not hesitate to let us know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Discover Wakooz, the online RSS agregator

Wakooz is a customizable portal that provides with a wide variety of useful applications mostly collected in 2 separate webpages: The webpage aggregator and favourites portal page.

RSS feeds aggregator :

The main page contains an online RSS feeds aggregator also known as a RSS feeds reader.
This allows each user, to spread and broadcast a summary of the most recent news from the media websites (Globe and Mail, New York Times, etc) and/or blog articles. Moreover, Wakooz gives to each user, the opportunity to integrate various other gadgets like video podcast (Youtube, etc.) weather channels, games, etc. all these offered via web widgets.

Personnal favourite webpage portal :

The second page provides you with a quick access to your personal favourite websites and web utilities. You can have access to this page through the icone located just besides the logo. This page also offers you a non evasive customizable portal and an extensive database of links to websites which contain only valuable information which are implemented by you the users or by a Wakooz team member.

Sign in and create your own personal homepage from scratch or use our Wakooz city templates. Adding or removing links or RSS feeds from a template according to your personal taste and needs will give you a head start. The templates are created in part by you the user.

The most popular links or RSS feeds added by the users are implemented to our Wakooz cities templates. The joined effort of you the user and the Wakooz team at building cities templates creates an extensive database of websites which you can browse without signing in.

Do not hesitate to look at the Help icon located at the top of each page if you need further information.

You can also visualize the Quick tour for a general idea on how to work with the RSS feeds aggregator Wakooz.